Funky food fotos

Posted: February 12, 2013 in Art, Food, Photos
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Spotted in the produce department…






  1. I have seen the top one before don’t recall the name, but yes funky looking 🙂

  2. Are these shots from:

    “Nightmare in Naperville”?

    The pods are coming….. good shots for Friday Fictoineer.

  3. The first one would make a good picture for Friday Fictioneers – send it over!!!

  4. People must have been either very curious or very hungry to taste some of these goodies for the first time!

  5. deanabo says:

    ughhh.. Stomach turning photos.

  6. Joyce says:

    Yuck! They look like mutating, metastasizing, micro isms from some other planet, or like something growing out of a landfill. And they were in the produce dept.? I guess one has to be into eating the roots of organic species to enjoy them. 🙂

    • I didn’t write down what they were, but this store carries lots of ethnic foods and these definitely qualify for me.

      • Joyce says:

        Some of them looked so hard to cut into that one would need a chisel or hacksaw. My husband loves to do the grocery shopping for us both, and if I had a name of any of these (whatever they’re called) on my grocery list, he would think me nuts for wanting them, (but then, he does not do the cooking – I do :)) but then artichokes are really good fixed in certain things and they look like some kind of cactus plant. The cactus plants found in tropical regions are said to be very healthy and delicious in things. I love the way the Aloe plant is used in cosmetics and creams.

  7. Three cheers for “ugly” foods! They’re one of the greatest treasures hidden in plain sight. Plus, their looks often scare the average shopper away, which means big discounts for those willing to take a culinary gamble. Celeriac in particular is one of my favorites.

  8. How have you been?! I’ve missed seeing what you’re up to. I wish I had more time to be on wordpress. I’ll have to email you more often, I miss hearing from you!

  9. Strange looking produce exactly.

  10. The first 3 look somewhat physical….and not on MY body.