Friday Fictioneers–What’s the Buzz?

Posted: July 31, 2013 in Friday Fictioneers, Humor
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The weekly Friday Fictioneers event takes place in the twilight zone of Wednesday through Tuesday, when authors from around the world virtually arrive to post stories based on a picture prompt chosen so our fearless leader, Rochelle I-am-the-Queen Wisoff, can write whatever story she has in mind that week.  (Now I’m really in trouble!!)  One hundred words provide the vehicle for stories of every type, wildly diverse in scope.  You’re welcome to participate…if you’re prepared to become an addict, shaking and sweating each week to get just the right story out, then reading as many other stories as possible before the cravings begin again.

If you prefer more measured participation, you may be content to simply read stories (although “liking” and commenting are always appreciated.)  Hover your cursor over the cute blue critter at the end of my story.  Click and you’ll be transported to other words, into other lives, having your emotions wrung dry all too often.  So choose your poison…or let Morpheus give you BOTH pills.  You are the One who decides.

What’s the Buzz?

My family swarmed around, buzzing over my announcement.  Mom bridled,  “Honey, that’s not a job for a woman.”  Dad waxed eloquent about managerial positions and the family company vs. being a mere worker.  That stung a bit.  My older sister, queen of everything, looked disdainful, combed her perfect hair and declared it would give her hives.  My little brother bumbled about, droning in his usual incomprehensible monotone.

My best friend responded, “Sweet! But why?”  Although ridiculous in hindsight, my interest had flowered from a childhood misunderstanding at the theater, where I’d thought Hamlet soliloquized, “To bee or not to bee.”

  1. vb holmes says:

    What can one say, Janet–Fun puns.

  2. Alastair says:

    That was brilliant 😀

  3. misskzebra says:

    Great wordplay! 😀

  4. what a word-match. GREAT to bee or not to bee – that’s really an interesting question.

  5. Sandra says:

    Very clever, artlessly constructed. 🙂

  6. Dee says:

    This was brilliant Janet, I loved the wordplay, very cleverly done if I may bee so bold…
    Wondering what honey you’re taking honey!!

    • Dee, when I saw the prompt, “To bee or not to bee” got into my head and stuck there, no matter how hard I tried to come up with a more dignified story. So I just flew with it. As for honey, I love lavender and the Provencal honey from the garrigue. 🙂


  7. denmother says:

    Oh, excellent, janet. What a great way to start my morning. All smiles.

  8. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    Aidez-moi! My side, it aches! I don’t want to be a buzz-kill, honey, but I think perhaps it is nobler to suffer the stings… etc.. etc..

    • I think my pun-machine has run dry, Helena, so I’ll have to say I’m glad you enjoyed the story so much and leave it at that. Unless…maybe it could be turned into a song sung by….of course….Sting.


  9. That was a very di-sting-uished story!

  10. Joe Owens says:

    I cannot BEE-lieve how many times you reinforced the theme in this. Funny from tip to stern.

  11. […] Click here for shout-ums […]

  12. Linda Vernon says:

    Cute! It points out how many everyday phrases we use that derive from the humble bumble!

    • As I’ve read a few other stories and comments, I realize there were some other good ones I didn’t think about. But it would have been difficult to fit many more in anyway.


  13. elmowrites says:

    Oh Janet, you’ve packed more puns into 100 words than I ever thought possible. Makes me wonder what the job was! After lots of ‘last bee on earth’ stories, thank you for lightening the mood!

  14. brainsnorts says:

    i hope the link is clickable.

  15. summerstommy2 says:

    I have to admit the image does open itself up to using as many puns as you possibly can in a hundred words. You have excelled in this Janet. Thoroughly entertaining. I am going to have to give my entry this week much thought. Have a good day.

    • Thanks very much indeed. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It flew into my head immediately and all I had to do was work on adding a few more bee-related words. The muse decided to be a-musing today, I guess. 🙂


  16. Hi Janet,
    You’re the queen bee of references. Delightful reading. Ron

    • There have been a swarm of bee puns today, but since I started it, I’m just enjoying the whole thing. But I’m glad you had fun with the story.


  17. Penny L Howe says:

    How fun janet, I went for the corn, you went for a very clever play on words. Very well done, a pleasure to read!

  18. Dear Janet,

    My mind’s a-buzz with a honey of a comment. But in my present state of bee-ing I’ll just drink in the nectar of your stinging pun-tification. .

    Meanwhile I’ll consider the next prompt for MY story.


    Rochelle I-am-the-Queen Wisoff

  19. We-eel, roll over Bee-thovan. You wax well in the humor arena. Good bee-siness story.

    Bee well. Bee good. Bee happy.

  20. JackieP says:

    Now that’s a buzz above the rest. 😉

  21. Jan Brown says:

    This was so much fun!!!!!!

  22. zookyworld says:

    Packed with puns! My favorite has to be the last one. Hamlet, your flowery words continue on!

  23. kz says:

    haha that was fun! ^^ brilliant use of puns

  24. rckjones says:

    Every bee pun we’ll ever need, collected in one convenient and hilarious story! I am in stitches over here, I hope you know! 😀

  25. Honie Briggs says:

    Light and delightful, Janet. A honie of a story. 😉

  26. rgayer55 says:

    Excellent, Janet. I’m more like the little brother-just bumbling around with a stupid grin on my face.

  27. troy P. says:

    Wow Janet, packed with puns you are today! Now I understand where the overflow came from on my post =)

    • Yeah, when comments started coming in, they were full of puns and it just took on a life of its own, as puns tend to do. Oh, well, could be much worse 🙂


  28. JKBradley says:

    Very creative, humorous, and entertaining. But, what is the job?

  29. unspywriter says:

    LOL’ed! And how well you described the hierarchy. 😉

    Here’s mine:

    • To get someone to LOL is a very good thing. Thanks, Maggie. I’m getting a little behind in reading all the stories as I’m getting ready for us to leave for vacation tomorrow. Hopefully by tonight I’ll have a bit of time. 🙂


  30. “Honey” of a story! LOL. I heard a collective groan. I for one love a good pun. Fun and well written.

  31. Tremendous bit of word association here. And family dynamics beautifully illustrated.

    Agree re title. There may be others yet.

  32. Dear Janet,

    A very nice mixture of words. I’m going for my Raid now. You’d better hide out in Wyoming until the air clears. Have a nice trip. See you next Fall.



    • Thanks, Doug. No Raid. We need all the bees we can get. If you’re interested in pictures of the trip, I’m quite sure there will be plenty over the next two weeks. 🙂 See you soon.


  33. wmqcolby says:

    Cue the rimshot! Fun, Janet!

  34. bennitheblog says:

    Nice puns! A very enjoyable read. 🙂

  35. annisik51 says:

    I’m groaning. But fun take on the prompt and anybody who can make me smile gets my vote. Why is there beeswax but no beeswane?

  36. pattisj says:

    Love how you’ve woven so many bee references into your story.

  37. Nandini Godara says:

    That was fun. As to your question at the end (rhetorical though it may be)…it is always better to BEE