Phoneography Challenge: Nature

Posted: January 6, 2014 in Nature, Weekly Photo Challenge
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My entry in this first Monday Photo Challenge, Nature, of 2014 is a labor of love, stress on the labor. I wanted to edit the first photo but because I can’t figure out how to simply make a copy of a photo in my iPad’s photo stream so that I can not only edit but add text, I ended up downloading Picasa, then trying to figure out how to get the edited photo somewhere on my laptop that it could be found and uploaded into WordPress. All this happened while “watching” the Orange Bowl and took an enormous amount of time. Ultimately, the only editing I did was, once again, simply cropping. But it felt as though I created something completely different. 🙂 I hope you find the results pleasing.



OK, I played around with Picasa some more and here’s an effect I like.  This is the uncropped photo with Lomo-ish applied.


  1. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Very pretty, Janet! Loved the middle one with ice on the berries!

    • Good morning, Cathy. That’s as close to nature as I’ll get today with the temperatures and wind chill the way they are. I caught these outside church a few weeks ago. I think I’m the only person out taking photos after church. 🙂

      Keep warm and enjoy the skiing!


  2. I like the entire set. They show the beauty and vulnerability of nature. Glad that you were trying new avenues to edit. It does take an enormous amount of experimentation. Happy Phoneography Monday.

  3. Joyce says:

    They are beautiful shots even without the added editing. Working with the photo tools on the Windows Photo Gallery program has been interesting for me as I am still working with getting my name on my photos just right, etc. It apparently cannot be reverted or deleted if done wrong so have to have extra copies of the photo to work with (while working with all on my desktop).

    • I’m always wary of that, Joyce, but Picasa 3 makes a copy of the photo as edited, leaving the original. I appreciate that!! I’ve only dipped a toe into the editing waters as of yet. I always hope my original shot is good enough as is, but the editing can be fun. Stay warm!!


      • Joyce says:

        Trying to (stay warm). It is in single digits here in northern Colorado. The Windows photo program does have a lot of options but takes a lot of practice with them to figure out how to use them, so I try to practice on misc. shots with several copies or pics I don’t care to save when done with them. 🙂

  4. I haven’t tried editing photos apart from cropping but looking at yours I think I’ll have to take the plunge. I appreciate your labour of love when it comes to trying to do things on your iPad. Hours later…. Your results are great.

    • How nice of you, Irene. Try downloading Picasa 3. It’s free and has lots of editing options to play with. I’ve seen so many photographers who do amazing things with editing. But I’m always conflicted because I sort of feel my photos should stand on their own without editing. That being said, as with so much else, there’s a time and a place. 🙂


    • P.S. I still use cropping and putting my name on my photos most of all.

  5. So pretty! Your top shot caught my eye! I especially love the close up of the ice and berries. Keep shooting and experimenting! Again, Happy New Year! And stay warm, T.

    • T, it’s SO cold here! Even in the house it’s cold but it’s a good excuse to keep moving and work all day…or later, curl up under a blanket with a good book and some hot tea. 🙂

      We may get over to France this year and if so, we’ll fly into Paris. Although we probably wouldn’t be staying, perhaps we could meet somewhere for some tea before we’d head to Dijon.


  6. The berries are such a punctuation mark to the icy snow. Very crisp

  7. Great photos Janet, I’ll take a look at Picasa today. 🙂 Stay warm!

    • Glad you liked the photos. Let me know what you think of Picasa. As for staying warm, I’m working around the house, drinking tea and listening to the wind howl. The weather just now says -14 and feels like that, but with the wind, I can’t imagine that’s right. ;-( Arizona will be grand!! 🙂


  8. Angeline M says:

    I really like that last one! Stay warm!

  9. helenscribe says:

    One tool that I’ve found immensely helpful on Picasa is the fill-light tool. It can lighten too-dark photos, or shadow them for effect. Again. as mentioned above, save with added rev_n (so you know how far you got.

  10. Joe Owens says:

    Many times I wish I could edit a photograph, but it is so time consuming to learn a new program and anything that takes me away from writing is not what I choose.

  11. Steve says:

    Makes me feel cold looking at them. Really nice. The second one, the close up looks a bit like a snake.

    • It’s much colder now than when I took these photos. Brrrrrr! We’re all the way up to -12F before wind chill, but a balmy 2 predicted for tomorrow’s high, again with wind factored in. 🙂


  12. You really do have Ice and snow I’ll take some. Lovely berries.Save this for next years Christmas Card.

  13. I like the middle one.

  14. Those are pretty awesome for camera phone photos- Surprisingly sharp and colorful. I still really struggle to get any decent shots out of that device, so I could stand to take some lessons from you on this one!

    • Hannah, I think these two might have been taken with my iPad, but I don’t know off-hand. But the iPhone takes great photos, too. Nice to see you. Hope you’re keeping warm.


  15. I love the contrast of the colors and shapes. Snow and ice create an added beauty
    Happy New Year

  16. Janet — Nice job. Love the red berries up against the green fir tree and icy snow. Drop me a note on how you can copy a photo and then post-produce that version. I’ll assume you can download photo files from your tablet to your PC or MAC.

  17. says:

    These are wonderful!! I have to try Picasa. You made ice look like it belonged in a cocktail Janet!

  18. Really nice work on the photos and problem solving too.