Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge 2015 Week 12…Bubble man

Posted: March 22, 2015 in Cee's Photo Challenges, Food
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When baking, I never know who or what will appear.  But I keep my camera nearby for occasions just such as this one.  As I’ve said so often before, oddball photo ops are everywhere, even in the liquid portion of my recipe.


  1. nowathome says:

    It is odd, but so clever to find oddities even in your baking! 😀

  2. Kentucky Angel says:

    How fun. I’ll have to start looking at my baking ingredients closer now, just to see if I ever have bubble men in them.

  3. Cee Neuner says:

    Great eye you have. I love your little man 🙂

  4. words4jp says:

    Very cool – you are right about odd things in cooking. Yesterday Peyt and I made a spinach lasagna and had to boil the spinach first. All kinds of things were taking place in the pot and we drained the spinach and strained it. Peyt wanted to keep the liquid to make juice with….I can go on with what he did but let’s just say, ‘stuff’ separated and it is kinda gross but cool. Peyton likes this – why he is looking to major in chemical engineering with an emphasis on food science.

  5. mesoke says:

    You do have the eye for oddballs. And those colors – which I do like by the way – make me hungry.

  6. Great photo. I love the reflection in the bubble.

  7. Indira says:

    Nice capture.

  8. ok. I give up. What were you baking?
    Looks like a Michelin tire baby.
    a bubble snowman.
