Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge 2015, Week 21…Sculpted

Posted: May 24, 2015 in Art, Cee's Photo Challenges
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I hope you didn’t expect to see the Chippendales or some hunky athletes who are sculpted!  These beauties are from a sculpture garden in Skokie, Illinois, but I’m not sure you’d like to have them in your yard.  However, they more than qualify for the Oddball Photo Challenge, making them beautiful in my eyes.

For the next week, I’ll have very little internet, so apologies in advance for lack of communication and reading.  I appreciate your understanding!

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  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Your entry this week is just so much fun. Thanks for playing Janet. Have a great week.

  2. Olga says:

    They certainly are oddballs. Love your sense of humour! lol

  3. Fun photos this week.

  4. Cee Neuner says:

    Congratulations! I have chosen this post to be featured on Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge.
    I sure hope you have a terrific week.

  5. Trisha says:

    Those are definitely some interesting, and odd, sculptures. Great find!

  6. They are all great but I can understand you not wanting them in your own garden.

  7. tgeriatrix says:

    For sure I don’t want them in my tiny garden but I love to look at it. Thanks for sharing!