Pooling our sea-sources

Posted: July 9, 2015 in Animals, Travel
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Once my trip to California was finalized, my husband instructed me to find a tidal pool. Because I always do what he says (cough, cough), over the Fourth of July weekend, Shannon and I went to the type of beach I prefer: a beach with lots of rocks and a bit of beach, although it was too chilly to be interested in lying in the sun, even if it had been out.  We managed to find a parking spot in the lot, then took the long, steep path to the beach.  I was relieved to see the following sign, banning what would have been much too much visual information for me!



We’d timed it so we’d be there are low tide, so as to have the best chance of finding something of interest exposed.  Keeping one eye on the rocks, we tried each before stepping, while keeping the other eye on the pools of water, searching for interesting sea life of any kind. I was hoping for starfish, but although we didn’t find any, we did find a number of other photogenic and interesting critters.




This guy was apparently helping a friend home from a night on the tiles.


Love that panorama feature!


  1. nowathome says:

    I love going to the beach!

  2. My kind of day. 🙂

    • It was so much fun, Lisa, much more so than lying on the beach in the sun. I don’t mind the latter every so often for a short while, but I love this type of day.


  3. Cee Neuner says:

    I love that sign. Great photos.

  4. Your photos bring back memories of going to the beach and searching for crabs and starfish. Love this post. Your photos are great.

  5. storydivamg says:

    I wondered upon seeing the photo of the sign if the reasoning for the first instruction had anything to do with the fact of no lifeguard on duty. Interesting juxtaposition anyway.