10 Ways to Love

Posted: August 15, 2015 in Miscellaneous
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This is excellent advice, regardless of your religion or lack thereof.

10 ways to love:

1. Listen without interrupting ( Proverbs 18 )
2. Speak without accusing ( James 1:19 )
3. Give without sparing ( Proverbs 21:26 )
4. Pray without ceasing ( Colossians 1:9 )
5. Answer without arguing ( Proverbs 17:1 )
6. Share without pretending ( Ephesians 4:15 )
7. Enjoy without complaint ( Philippians 2:14 )
8. Trust without wavering ( Corinthians 13:7 )
9. Forgive without punishing ( Colossians 3:13 )
10. Promise without forgetting ( Proverbs 13:12 )

  1. I think I should write this 10 things on my wall… in red …and in giant letters…

  2. This has more relevant meaning than some sermons I’ve heard. Thank you, Janet. 🙂

  3. Joanne says:

    VERY powerful – and goes to show it always comes down to three little words!

  4. nowathome says:

    Wonderful words to live by!

  5. A wonderful post – great mottos to live by