COB Photo Challenge 2016, Week 37…opst!

Posted: September 16, 2016 in Cee's Photo Challenges, Uncategorized
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Opst?  In the oddball challenge, that might mean “stop.”  🙂  Cee, welcome back from your time off.  I hope you’re rested and refreshed and I hope everyone stopping by has a wonderful weekend.

I forgot there’s no Photo Challenge this week (small heart attack here), so here’s my oddball entry today instead of Saturday.

© janet m. webb 2016

  1. susurrus says:

    We’ll miss the photo challenge – I’d guess they’re doing an update to their systems or perhaps they’ve been inspired by Cee and are having a break too!

    • At least they announced it. I’d just forgotten, habit being a hard thing to break. I hope you had a good break, too. I have yet to take a complete break where I don’t post at all. Even on vacation, I post (or schedule them in advance), but just don’t visit other blogs while I’m gone. 🙂


      • susurrus says:

        I post less often when I’m travelling too and you’re right, the ability to schedule the odd post here and there comes in handy. I enjoy reading blogs though so I usually manage to find a quiet moment for that most days, where ever I am.

      • I do, too, Susan, except I cut back. I want to take the time to enjoy my vacation as much as possible.

  2. I “opst” at every corner.
    Doesn’t oneevery?
    I used to be dyslexic but since they added these new sngis, no lemprob.

    Love it, ydnar

  3. Love this find. Very oddball

  4. anglogermantranslations says:

    Popeye was there.

  5. Cee Neuner says:

    Hi Janet, I adore your sign for this week. Gave me a big smile 😀

  6. Emilio Pasquale says:

    I don’t think they’ll ever fix the stop sign if they’ve got a stop light on the same pole. Great find, janet.

    • I imagine they’ll get around to it sooner or later, but it’s unlikely to be a high priority. Maybe no one’s even reported it. I won’t. It’s too much fun as is.

  7. I can’t help wonder what happened to this poor stop sign for it to end up like this… Did someone graze it with their car, feel bad, and try to reconstruct it despite having no understanding of shapes or language? Was is a purposeful act meant to be subversive? Am I reading too much into it? Yes, that’s likely the one…

  8. This photo and some of the comments made me elims. Wonder who is the first to translate elims?

  9. Hahaha Well opst-ted 🙂

  10. Oh, simply love this one…:-D

  11. Cee Neuner says:

    Congratulations! I have chosen your photo to be featured on Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge.
    I sure hope you have a great weekend 😀

  12. Allan G. Smorra says:

    Congratulations on be selected as a featured blogger, Janet. This photo still cracks me up.

  13. MickETalbot says:

    Congratulations on having your photo featured by Cee, well done!