Thursday doors…Las Gaviotas

Posted: June 14, 2018 in Thursday doors
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The venue for our daughter’s wedding is Las Gaviotas in Baja California, Mexico. It’s a beautiful community built up the lower side of a hill. The houses are close, but every house has a view of the ocean and many of them have wonderful doors. Here are just a few from one of my morning walks.

© janet m. webb

© janet m. webb

© janet m. webb

for Thursday Doors

  1. Su Leslie says:

    It looks like a wonderful place Janet.

  2. Dan Antion says:

    They are beautiful. I love the colorful sidelights!

    • The surrounding certainly enhance the appeal, Dan. There were so many lovely doors, but we were busy and I didn’t get a chance to take photos of as many as I would have liked. Additionally, there were often people sitting outside a house, so I didn’t want to take a shot of that door.


  3. Looks like a wonderful place to be!

  4. ksbeth says:

    these door are amazing –

  5. Ruth says:

    What a wonderful venue for a special wedding. And ocean views. Wow. I always feel a bit better after I visit your blog, Janet. You are a positive force in this blogging community.

  6. I like that stone propping the door shut

  7. joey says:

    Oh those are nice finds! Love the gate, and the detail in that last surround. Great doors!

  8. scr4pl80 says:

    Looks like there is a swimming pool behind that gate…I see blue water. Love the last door with the fishes around it.

  9. JT Twissel says:

    I love the fishes in the side windows on that last door. What a happy welcome.

  10. jesh stg says:

    This will be a charming setting for the wedding! The longer I live in this state the more tiles as decoration grow on me:)

    • They can be quite nice, can’t they. Yes, it will be a lovely setting and the rehearsal dinner is in wine country, which is also beautiful.


  11. The tiles are lovely! Are those Calla Lily’s in the top door’s tile? It’s going to be a lovely wedding!

  12. Norm 2.0 says:

    I’m almost in love with the ceramics as much as the doors themselves. Wonderful finds Janet 🙂

  13. klara says:

    beautiful. I like tilework around doors.

  14. Dear Janet,

    Beautiful doors. Your daughter’s wedding? Which one? Clearly we need to catch up.



  15. dweezer19 says:

    Very colorful!

  16. marianallen says:

    Oh! Those are the BEST DOORS!!!!! I am deeply in love with both those doors/doorways! Thank you!

  17. Your hands are surely fulll of a zillion tasks, yet you still find time to work on images and share them with us! Lovely atmosphere for a wedding!!!!

    • It’s a beautiful venue, but the marriage will be the most important thing. I’m happy because we’ll all be together: our family, my brother and his family, our parents, and my husband’s sisters. The place will only enhance it.


  18. Pistachios says:

    This looks like a place where everyone is very friendly and relaxed. That first one kind of looks like a door on a door (?) but it’s my favourite of the collection