One Word Sunday…muse

Posted: September 9, 2018 in Nature, One Word Sunday
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© janet m. webb

There’s a dead tree by the river in the park where I walk.  It’s often inhabited by birds of one sort of another: a siege/sedge of herons, an exaltation of egrets, or a gulp of cormorants…fish hunters all.  One unusual time, there were two types of birds there simultaneously.

I check each time I walk, hoping to catch a glimpse of as many as six or seven perched on various branches.  I think they muse about fish: those they’ve caught, those they plan to catch.  I muse about getting close enough to get a decent photo.  Even with my telephoto, it’s a bit too far away for a really good shot.

But there’s a path winding its way not far from the base of the tree and when the ground is wet or there are no crunchy leaves, it’s possible to get close enough if I move very, very slowly, to see them high above me in the tree.  This time I finally had my Nikon, not just my phone, and was thus able to immortalize this musing cormorant.

These birds are in some ways my muses.  I think about them, wonder whether they’ll be there, if I’ll get a photo of them.  And I enjoy seeing them muse about whatever it is they think about while sitting on a dead tree overlooking the river.

On a personal note, I’ll be taking a blogging break for most of the rest of the month as I travel to France to visit my s-i-l and b-i-l.   I pray for each of you a wonderful time and many blessings while I’m gone and promise to share thoughts, adventures, and photos with you when I return.

for One Word Sunday  (This week one word and then some!)

  1. Sue says:

    Nice one, you have used muse as a verb, as I have!

  2. Enjoy your trip to France!

  3. Nice shot. Have a great trip. Stay safe but have fun. 🙂

  4. Tish Farrell says:

    Talk about bird’s eye view, both ours and the cormorant’s. Blue – who’d’ve thought it. Lovely shot, Janet.

  5. dweezer19 says:

    I love cormorants too. All water birds, really. Nice shot. I hope you enjoy your break and time away. Be safe. Hugs.

    • I, too, love water birds. I love their patience and ability to stalk their prey. It would undoubtedly be hard to appreciate them were I prey. 🙂 I will enjoy my time away and will do my best to be safe. Lots of hugs back to you.


  6. Sounds like you have an opportunity to share a “bird’s eye view” and sharpen your muse, Janet.

    Here’s to blue skies and safe journeys,

  7. I love their jewel like eyes.

    Have a safe and fun trip! I am a wee bit envious, but know I will enjoy the doors, and scenery you photograph while there.

    • I never realized they had such beautiful eyes, Deborah. In all the time I’ve been stalking them, I haven’t been able to get a photo that would allow me to crop closely and clearly enough to see the eyes.

      I’ll do my best to take you and all my readers along once I get back. 🙂

  8. Bon voyage.
    I’ll look forward to your pics and commentary, as usual, when you return from France.
    What a great life I feel you are blessed with ( I hope, pray and suspect you feel the same way!).


  9. marianallen says:

    I’ll miss you! Looking forward to some wonderful photos when you return!

  10. Su Leslie says:

    Lovely shot Janet. The silky black feather against that blue sky …

  11. de Wets Wild says:

    Bon voyage, Janet, and thanks for going through so much trouble to leave us with this lovely image!

  12. Dan Antion says:

    That’s a fine muse and a great photo, Janet. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful time in France.

    • Thanks for all of that, Dan. I’m sure I’ll have a good time and I’ll do my best for the safe travels.

      Just want to say that yesterday, as strange as it seems, that was actually a win for the Browns. 😁 Someone had a meme on Facebook saying that the Browns are the only team that can end their losing streak by not actually winning a game. Sad but true.

      • Dan Antion says:

        As bad as I feel about that game, I do want the Browns to be better. I would rather be playing in a competitive division than something like the AFC East,

        That’s funny about the losing streak – so true.

      • It’s a bit like I feel about the Bears. They looked really good last night and I’m glad for them, but I’m so happy that Aaron Rodgers was able to bring the Packers back once again, despite not being able to move very well at all. He’s amazing!

      • Dan Antion says:

        I had Green Bay in our survivor pool, so I was glad to see that, too.

  13. That is a great shot. You always take fine photos, but this one is primo: startling black against startling blue. Well done.

  14. Debbie Smyth says:

    Will miss you Janet, but have a great time in France.
    I’m not booked till late October but I will report back on Frida.

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  16. Nice shot and goodluck to your journey! 🙂

  17. Beautiful photo! I hope you enjoyed your trip to France.