Since I inadvertently posted my Friday flowers post on Friday New Zealand time, I’ll take this opportunity to share a wonderful Veteran’s Day display, the Healing Field of Honor, in Naperville. I was fortunate because, due to the weather, the flags weren’t taken down the day after Veteran’s Day and now I can share it with you as well.

  1. A lot of work went into this respectful display so I’m glad it got to be up another day.

  2. Ruth says:

    Such a touching tribute and how wonderful you shared it with us.

  3. That’s awesome, and a wonderful tribute to them!

  4. Dan Antion says:

    Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Su Leslie says:

    Beautiful, moving shots Janet. In NZ we’ve recently begun creating annual fields of remembrance with white crosses, adorned with poppies, but the flags are somehow more powerful.

  6. Jet Eliot says:

    Stunning photos, Janet. Not only are the sun, snow and flags a beautiful composition, but of course, moreso, it’s a great, albeit sorrowful, reminder of the many, many lives lost in war.

  7. Amy says:

    Very moving to see these many flags up on the ground! Great photos, Janet!

  8. M.B. Henry says:

    Absolutely stunning! ❤

  9. JT Twissel says:

    Beautiful! The narrow angle on the middle shot makes the field of flags looks much more populated, doesn’t it? Great effect.

  10. TCast says:

    These are moving shots.