for Six Word Saturday

  1. kayrpea61 says:

    Ran out of poodles to embarrass!

  2. BeckyB says:

    I’m heading for that look!

  3. de Wets Wild says:

    I’ve seen ballerinas with that same “do”!

  4. Tom says:

    Cute! His head is really in the cloud! 😄

  5. peggyjoan42 says:

    I think my hair looks just like this right now. Ha

  6. LOL I think she and I are cousins, but mine is not poofy just way too long and flat. 🙂

    • Better long and flat than sporting this ‘do, I think. I wouldn’t mind getting about 3-4″ off of mine, but don’t really want to go in a salon yet.

  7. Somebody forgot to rinse out the suds after a shampoo. Oops.

  8. So cute, looks like it’s wearing a shower cap!

  9. lolaWi says:

    lol. thanks for the laugh, Janet!

  10. dweezer19 says:

    Woah! Is that a tumor or a hat?

  11. When I come across ducks like this one I laugh out loud. Their updo’s are great!

  12. That is what my hair looked like till last week:). Great capture!

  13. restlessjo says:

    So long as it’s not painful 🙂 🙂

  14. Su Leslie says:

    Hehe. I’ve gone for a super-short DIY razor cut, which I quite like. U fortunately I broke my “never use a supermarket colour” rule and and trying to grow out the gingerbread shades.

  15. Resa says:


  16. That’s such an unusual hairdo, Janet. I’m not jealous. 😅