Garbage in. Garbage out? Can’t wait!!

Posted: January 1, 2021 in Six-Word Saturday
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for Six Word Saturday 1.2.21

  1. restlessjo says:

    He looks nifty! 🙂 🙂 Happy Saturday, Janet!

  2. BeckyB says:

    oh I love this – what fun

  3. Teresa says:

    That is cute!

  4. ladysighs says:

    Always hungry. Always fed.

  5. Debbie Smyth says:

    He looks happy in his job 🙂

  6. Smiles … cheers to the first Saturday of 2021.

    • Just something to lighten the mood. Maybe people will be more likely to put their trash in there if they notice it. This was at a restaurant in California (and no, I was NOT with Gavin Newsome and it wasn’t the French Laundry.) 🙂

  7. Somebody has a fun sense of humor!

  8. peggyjoan42 says:

    That might scare a person if they saw it in the dark!

  9. You know, the world would just be friendlier if we could put googly eyes on more things, right? This is so freaking cute.

  10. LOL! That’s a fun trash can.

  11. Resa says:

    Funny! Adore your funny posts!

    • 🙂 I like to inject humor when I can. The world certainly needs it!! Did I ever recommend the book “Anguished English” to you? The author is Richard Lederer and he’s a wonderful wordsmith and finder of humor in language. He has a lot of other books as well, including a sequel to that one. I have literally cried with laughter reading that book!