Monday miscellany

Posted: September 6, 2021 in Nature
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I like to walk down to this lake, walk around it, and reflect on this, that, and the other thing but the lake does its own reflecting as well. Pick up sticks, anyone?

It also provides a nice bit of bokeh.

Up close and personal with a butterfly? Alien? Somethings look different when you get this close, don’t they?

  1. mimfilip says:

    Your special place looks beautiful, you are fortunate to have on your doorstep.

    • Thanks. It really is special but I only wish it were on our doorstep. It’s two long driving days away, but worth the effort. 🙂 Appreciate the visit and comment.


  2. Tish Farrell says:

    Fabulous butterfly close-up, Janet. And what a beautifully reflective lake. Perfect place for pondering.

  3. Amazing shots, Janet. The reflections are beautiful and the last photo is frame worthy.

  4. Oh, those are all beautiful!! I’d love that walk. I agree with Judy your close up of the Butterfly is frame worthy. Print it!

  5. Gorgeous images, Janet. I got a kick out of the eye-to-eye closeup of the moth. 🙂 Hugs on the wing!

  6. Lovely gallery, Janet. It looks so peaceful there.

  7. JT Twissel says:

    I didn’t know Wyoming had such thick forests – looks like New Brunswick. Yes, insects do look a bit more menacing up close!

  8. Sue says:

    Excellent images, Janet

  9. So peaceful, so beautiful. I think the butterfly still looks lovely up-close.

  10. Heyjude says:

    Butterflies do look very different when close up. I love your shot! He seems to have a startled expression ‘where did that camera come from?’

  11. Amy says:

    Beautiful reflections, Janet! The butterfly image is incredible.

  12. Resa says:

    Adored pick up sticks when I was a kid. Now with trees, it seems quite adult. Let me grab my forklift, and I’ll be right over!
    Nice shots….. even the insects face.

    • Thanks so much, Lisa.

      I heard there are lots of flowers around Flag right now. Is that so? I might consider driving up again if so, but at any rate, I’ll get up there again one of these days. Have to check out some of the churches you know about and another coffee shop although I’d eat lunch at the same place again! 🙂

  13. Wind Kisses says:

    Wow. How your caught the butterfly without it flying off. Tiptoes?