You are my sunshine

Posted: July 5, 2022 in flowers
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“Yellow is capable of charming God.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

“Yellow is the color of the east, childhood, and morning.” – Jeffrey D. Anderson

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey ~Gene Autry

Google Photos periodically decides to make a montage of various similar photos I’ve taken over the years, this one obviously featuring yellow flowers. It doesn’t let me choose the photos but nevertheless I think it’s an uplifting way to start the week (if you’re in the US and had yesterday off for Independence Day/Fourth of July) or to perk up your week if you live elsewhere.

Blessings on your week!

  1. restlessjo says:

    Uplifting, aren’t they?

  2. Sue says:

    As Jo sys, uplifting!

  3. peggy says:

    Beautiful. Yellow is uplifting and makes one’s day brighter.

  4. You are my sunshine is right. 🙂

  5. Nice choices, Google! Here I tend to get compilations of lattes and other silly stuff.

  6. Sunshine and happiness!

  7. Tina Schell says:

    Well isn’t that fun?! I get that on my iPhone now and then and usually it’s just annoying but this one is very sweet – one might even say a treasure 😊.

  8. de Wets Wild says:

    Sure to brighten the gloomiest morning!

  9. I think it’s interesting that so many desert plants have yellow blossoms.

  10. Mellow Yellow colors … another great song. 😀
    My father-in-law used to sing ‘You are My Sunshine’
    to my Mother-in-law all the time. It was adorable the way
    she’d blush as he sang. She was very, very shy. I’ll have
    to find a post in did on that song and them. Loved this post … Isadora 😎