Posts Tagged ‘athlete’

For some reason, the other day I thought of two comments I’ve remembered through the years.  When I was in college, a friend of mine told me that he could always tell it was me in the distance because “You walk like you’re trying to get somewhere.”  Even now, people at work, all younger than I, have said that I “zoom around”, “have more energy than any of us”, or words to that effect.  I consider that a win against age.  🙂

The second comment came when I was living and working in Steamboat Springs, Colorado right after graduation from college.  I played softball on an excellent women’s team, but in one preseason, I played on a men’s team.  (The team wanted me to play for them during the season, but the league refused, saying that men might want to play on the women’s teams.  I didn’t think that likely, but who knows.)  At any rate, one of the men said to me, “You’re not a jock, you’re an athlete.”  “Jock” applied to a woman, tends to have a somewhat negative connotation, whereas “athlete” does not.

Which two comments about you come to mind as comments you like or treasure?  (Only G-rated, please.)  🙂  I’d love to have you share them in the comment section.  Please join in or it’s no fun.

P.S.  On the humorous side, during that preseason, I slid into third base, knocking the (male) third basemen on his derriere.  When my brother was visiting, the man was on the lift in front of us.  We’d been talking about softball when he yelled at my brother that during a game, “Your sister knocked my on my butt.”   He took great pleasure in that and honestly, so did I!  🙂  OK, your turn.