Posts Tagged ‘purple’

for Life in Colour: purple

for One Word Sunday: simple

for Life in Colour: purple

There’s just something about a coneflower.

Monday morning addendum: I see Jo’s calling me out on the pink/purple issue. While I understand where you’re coming from, Jo, I accept the challenge and refer you to the site “40 Shades of Purple“, NOT a site for erotica about kings and other wearers of purple, but where you can see the various, well, shades of purple. To adapt another phrase that had some popularity at one time: One person’s purple is another person’s pink…or vice versa. 🙂

for Life in Colour: purple

for Life in Colour: purple

For Life in Colour: purple

Many spring flowers are a bit shy, hiding among leaves, in the shade, a/o with pale colors. Grape hyacinths flaunt their beautiful purple without shame, brightening everyone’s day. The ones in our garden have spread over the years, making spring a vividly beautiful time.

© janet m. webb


© janet m. webb

for One Word Sunday

© janet m. webb