Burgeoning pomegranates

Posted: May 21, 2024 in squares
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I guess you could also say this tree is renewing its pomegranate supply. 😉. Either way, it’s my square for the day, spotted on a recent walk. I don’t know whether these are ornamental or good for eating, but I know they’re good for this challenge.


  1. restlessjo says:

    They should be edible, Janet. Lots round here are still flowering. Looks like it should be a good year for them.

  2. bushboy says:

    Eat away I say

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pomegranate tree. Thanks.

  4. Ally Bean says:

    Ditto what Frank said. Interesting to see a pomegranate in the wild.

  5. It’s a great photo, Janet!

  6. BeckyB says:

    ooh I’d love to have a pomegranate tree – such wonderful flowers and the fruit taste as good as they look!

  7. JT Twissel says:

    They’re beautiful – might not be edible though.

    • I’m not trying one until I find out. There are ornamental orange trees and those oranges can’t be eaten and there are ornamental pomegranate trees too. Don’t want to try the wrong one.

  8. Dan Antion says:

    Those look delicious. Great photo.

  9. solaner says:

    I used to have one as a bonsai. I loved the flowers and even got a few tiny fruits.
    When I got married, my wife took over watering also my bonsais. Long story short, none of them survived the first year. Neither the indoors nor the outdoors. 😢
    Fun fact: my youngest son also started loving and growing bonsai despite he never heard about my past experiences with bonsais. His girlfriend developed the same passion. So I assume, they‘ll have more luck 😁

  10. Resa says:

    Now that’s a neat sight to see.

    Thanks, Janet! Great shot.