Taking a break

Posted: June 13, 2024 in Personal
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Our younger daughter arrives later today for a two-week visit and my husband’s side effects are getting tough right now, hence the need to concentrate on family and take a bit of time off. I’ll still answer comments, texts, and emails, prayers are appreciated more than ever, and, although cancer wants to kick our butts, we’re fighting back as best we can. It’s tiring.

Happy Father’s Day a few days early to all fathers, whether biological, by adoption, or just by love.

  1. Sheree says:

    Sending supportive thoughts

  2. Hammad Rais says:

    Sending warm hugs towards you, Janet

  3. Sue says:

    Sending loads of supportive hugs, Janet, and totally see why you need a break – we’ll be here when you return to blogging

  4. Sending prayers and positive thoughts. It is nice that your younger daughter is coming to visit.

  5. beth says:

    hugs to all and enjoy your time away to be there for them

  6. ausevor says:

    All the best to you, your husband, and all your family…

  7. Don’t forget to take care of you, too, Janet. Sending most positive thoughts your way.

  8. I’m glad she’s coming so, you can get a little break and take care of you too. I’m keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. 🥰

    We’ll be here when you get back to posting.

  9. marianallen says:

    Family first. Hugs to you and all of yours. God, I hate cancer!!! I’m focusing a red hot laser beam of rage at it. Stand back!

  10. Ally Bean says:

    Focus on what’ll keep you happy and balanced. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  11. Take good care of yourself and your family, Janet. Prayers for peace and healing coming from me!

  12. belocchio says:

    My dear Janet, I am so sorry to read of the challenges you and your family are going through. This dark cancer shadow dominates your life and the challenges one faces are enormous. I am walking in your steps, one more time. My strongest prayers to you. From my heart – Virginia

  13. JT Twissel says:

    Saying a silent prayer as I type – may the good days vastly outnumber the not so good days.

  14. Ingrid says:

    Enjoy the break and time with your daughter. Sending hugs and prayers your way.😊

  15. tootlepedal says:

    Very trying, I should imagine. We send you and your husband all our best wishes.

  16. Thinking of you Janet💐

  17. restlessjo says:

    Sorry darlin- I missed this news earlier. Sending positive thoughts and hugs. You’ll get through this 🤗🩷

  18. I pray that the treatments root out the unwelcome cells and that Bill is feeling better very quickly. May you both find peace and serenity in spite of the scariness of it all (hugs). This cancer currently has my sister on defense, too.

  19. solaner says:

    God bless you and strengthens your bank and mind to get the needed power to cross this dark valley.

    • Thanks very much, André. Not sure if “bank” was intentional, but it is a very expensive thing. Somehow God has worked it so that the $31,000+ per month is being covered, for which we’re hugely thankful!

  20. Leya says:

    Sending love and prayers to you and your husband, Janet. You know I am not a religious person, but I have faith. Stay strong and love each other. ♥

  21. Dan Antion says:

    The prayers will remain coming your way.

  22. Resa says:

    Sending love!

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