Posts Tagged ‘#SquareRenew’

Our house in Ohio had three lilac bushes in front: one white, one lilac, one purple. When we moved to Illinois, I was excited to find that our rental house had lilac bushes right outside the front window, where their scent perfumed much of the house when they were blooming and the windows were open. If posts could just share scents…


What? Done already?

I hate to say goodbye to May’s Square challenge., because it’s been so much fun. Becky, if it brought you half the pleasure that it brought me and, I think, all of us who participated, your love cup should be overflowing! Thanks so much for making the effort during a difficult time in your life.

I tend to think of plants renewing or burgeoning by having flowers. But that’s not always true, as in this case.


I guess you could also say this tree is renewing its pomegranate supply. 😉. Either way, it’s my square for the day, spotted on a recent walk. I don’t know whether these are ornamental or good for eating, but I know they’re good for this challenge.
