Barely keepin’ my head above water

Posted: July 11, 2020 in Six-Word Saturday
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for Six Word Saturday

  1. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Janet,

    That’s a turtle, right? Reminds me of the rest of the world.

    Stay safe and cold and germ free,



    • You’re right, Doug, it’s a turtle, lurking and looking for a snack. 🙂 I didn’t think of it as a metaphor for today, but It certainly could be.

      I can do safe and germ-free, but cold? Not here right now!! 🙂


  2. peggyjoan42 says:

    I realize that is a turtle, but then it could be the eye of a huge monster below the surface. Hmmmm

    • When I first started walking at the Preserve, I was disappointed not to see many turtles. Then I realized the the small dark “spots” in the water were the turtles’ heads, just above the surface as they waited for food. Now I know there are quite a few of them. 🙂 They can stay underwater for quite some time as well. You’re right about the monster eye. 🙂

  3. Tom says:

    Aw, cute! Keep afloat is the message I’m getting here, Janet!

    • That would work, Tom. Maybe we can carry that metaphor a bit farther and say that the turtle can stay underwater for quite some time, yet come up and out just fine. Hopefully we can all do that as well.

      Have a good weekend.

  4. Well spotted, Janet. Your words work wonderfully for the photo!

    • Happy Saturday, Marion, and thanks very much. Now that I know what those small, dark things in the water are, I can see how many turtles are out there. And there are quite a few. It’s fun spotting them and sometimes I’ve even caught them on the shore or just going into the water.

  5. Cee Neuner says:

    I feel like that a lot these days 😀

  6. scr4pl80 says:

    Great shot. Definitely feel like we’re just treading water now.

  7. lolaWi says:

    that’s a cutie! 🙂

  8. Dan Antion says:

    Hahaha – that’s a great photo, and a perfect caption.

  9. de Wets Wild says:

    “..Sink or swim,
    One thing is certain we’ll never give in
    Side by side, hand in hand
    We all stand together!”

    With apologies to Sir Paul.

    • He accepts your apology. 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. The title of the post wasn’t meant as a negative feeling, although I see how it came out that way, especially during this time. It was more an observation about the way the turtles operate…and stay mostly unseen. 🙂

      • de Wets Wild says:

        Good to know that people do care though, isn’t it Janet!?

        Have a lovely weekend – you probably being on the other end of the temperature scales to what we’re currently experiencing here in South Africa at the moment with the country in the grip of a massive cold front. Some places even got snow. Not Pretoria, so we lose out AGAIN. But some places…

      • Yes, we’re definitely at the other end, as it was about 115F today and probably about that tomorrow. Snow seems like a dream from long ago.

  10. restlessjo says:

    What a lovely capture 🙂 🙂