Although green is my favorite color, I didn’t wear it today and I’m happy to report I didn’t get pinched, although I wouldn’t expect to in Aldi or Trader Joe’s. 🙂 We moved here from the Chicago area and today (yesterday as you read this) the river will be run green. We stayed far away from downtown on St. Patrick’s Day as being around huge crowds is bad enough but when alcohol is involved, no thanks. However, Guinness was my entry-level dark beer so I have a fond spot in my heart for it. We did have corned beef and potatoes for dinner sans cabbage because I don’t care for boiled cabbage. Salad and good bread filled in nicely and tomorrow will be even better when the leftover corned beef and potatoes become corned beef hash. So good and I think even better than the separate ingredients the first day.

But green isn’t just for St. Patrick’s, it’s the color of spring, which is often how I think of it having lived in the Midwest for almost my entire life. When my parents used to come from Arizona to visit us in Ohio, they always commented on all the trees and how green everything was. I always felt that was a bit like the relatives who saw you infrequently starting by declaring, “My, how you’ve grown!” What had they expected?

“I just need green. I need to wake up and see grass and squirrels. I don’t want to see skyscrapers.” – Andre Leon Talley

The green I miss is the spring green, the here’s-what-you’ve-been-waiting-for green, a green that at its most beautiful serves as a background to spring’s wildflowers…

…or blossoms higher in the spring air.

“Nature in her green, tranquil woods heals and soothes all afflictions.” – John Muir

In South Dakota near the Badlands, sometimes green is what draws your eyes.

“Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.” – Lois Lowry

In the desert, green is harder to find and better protected but much appreciated when seen.

“Every green natural place we save saves a fragment of our sanity and gives us a little more hope that we have a future.” – Wallace Stegner

And sometimes, well, it’s all about the green.

“leaves glow under
a haze of sunlight,
and hang
still on a windless
― Bremer Acosta, Cosmos in a Tree

WQW #11: St. Patrick’s Day Green

  1. restlessjo says:

    I so agree about that fresh green, though it is visible here too in early Spring. I daren’t mention corned beef hash or Michael will swoon! He may be a cake man, but he has other weaknesses too.

  2. Seeing green but not skyscrapers in the morning is good. Thank you 🌍😊

  3. We still have a ‘little’ of that white stuff hanging around, but it’s mostly gone. Green will be a welcome color.

  4. peggy says:

    Such a nice group of green photos. There are spots of green popping out in our area – such a good sign of Spring. Yes, living in Arizona makes you miss the green of the Eastern states. I always tell people the further you go West in the Southern Western states the browner the world appears. But Arizona does have spots of green.

    • There are spots of green here, Peggy, especially at higher altitudes. Many cacti are green as well but since there’s usually either rock or desert ground surrounding them, the overwhelming feel of green that you get elsewhere is absent.

  5. Fortunately, sagebrush is always green! Those are beautiful greens, Janet! I won’t be seeing greens in forest until late summer when I go looking for Spring wildflowers.

    • I miss the wildflowers. I used to wander for several hours on the back path at the park just wallowing in the beauty and trying unsuccessfully to take a photo that really conveyed their beauty. They’re so small, making it difficult to see them in the aggregate and thus feel the sense of how many there are.

  6. ledrakenoir says:

    Popeye wouldn’t be who he is without green (spinach). 😀
    All fascinating captures. 🙂

  7. Love that saguaro blossom! Welcome spring!

    • It’s hard to believe that March is already half over. Winter is so mild here that I don’t feel the same yearning for and joy in spring, but I do love sitting out on the back patio. 🙂 Saguaro are amazing!

  8. Ally Bean says:

    I like spring green too. It makes me relax after a cold gray winter. I didn’t wear green yesterday, but I didn’t go anywhere. No disrespect to St. Patrick intended, of course.

  9. JT Twissel says:

    I love green too but can’t wear it. I did find one green scarf though! Love that last picture.

    • That last one is from the Illinois park. What a treat to look up and see that! I can wear some greens but not all, especially those veering toward the yellow spectrum.

  10. Marsha says:

    Janet, that last picture is stunning. I’d love to be under that tree on a hot day. The sky looks jade. The blooming cactus is amazing. The quotes go so beautifully with each photo. It’s almost like reading a book of illustrated quotes. Well done and fun to read. I hope your day goes ok tomorrow. I’m thinking about you.

  11. Rowena says:

    All those beautiful photos were such a pleasure. Although we’re heading into Autumn here, there’s been so much rain that it’s exceptionally green here. The flowering cactus really caught my attention.
    A belated St Patrick’s Day to you. It’s been a busy week here and I didn’t get a chance to really think about it much aside from the on Facebook or blog post.
    Take care & best wishes,

    • Thanks, Rowena. Cacti often seem to have amazing flowers. Perhaps God did that so that they seemed less intimidating. 🙂 We don’t really do anything special for St. Patrick’s Day (not being Irish) but it’s always a great excuse to cook corned beef. 🙂


  12. Hi, Janet, great post! I appreciate all your pictures, and I love the Talley quote. Maybe I can see some green with you soon! 🌞