
Posted: November 8, 2012 in House and home, Nature, Personal, Poetry
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A haiku written after Hurricane Sandy, which brought driving winds and torrential rain to northeast Ohio.  Even the far-flung edges of this storm were sharp, long-lasting, and destructive in their force.  But eventually, even such a mighty storm must cease.  Our aftermath was benign in comparison to that of so many millions.  I have no photos to go with this.  There were enough images for all of us.

Tonight I can hear

The small house sounds around me

Rain has stopped falling

  1. Glad you made it through alright. What a nightmare for all of you.

    • Thanks. As I mentioned, we were only on the edge and that was bad enough. There are so many still without power or heat and another storm, with wet snow and cold, has come through. Terrible! I was worried about our younger daughter in Philadelphia, but the storm, although going right by there, seemed to touch it only lightly.

  2. I’ll bet that the small house sounds have never sounded so cozy and good!
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • That’s so true, Wendy. It’s the “you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone” in reverse. I didn’t like hearing dripping sounds and wondering whether they were in the house or outside or wondering whether the high winds were going to bring down one of our three large and old trees.

  3. That haiku gives me goosebumps, just remembering it. I’m so glad you made it through alright, too.

  4. I felt Sandy hear in NY but it was the wind I heard and felt. Well written words.