I was excited to see that the Lens-Artists challenge theme would be announced the prior week…until I saw that Patti’s theme was “Focus on the Subject.” OK. Maybe it didn’t matter that I knew in advance. 🙂 I felt marginally better when Tina said she had to ask Patti the direction she planned to go. Me? I figure as long as I can be on-topic (even if not Patti’s emphasis), I should be good to go.

“Focus” can be a noun or a verb. If you don’t literally focus (v.) on your subject, you might get something like I got here, the focus (n.) on everything other than the bird I wanted you to see.

Of course, you might also find that complete lack of focus (accidental) gives an impression that works, such as “speed” here.

The entire shot might be your focus and in focus…

…or your focus might be just what’s in front of you. Anything more would distract and cause the focus not to be on your subject. Let’s all say together, “Bokeh.”

So…if you focus (v.) on your subject, it will bee the thing that enables others to focus (v.) on your focus (n.), causing the flowering of a beautiful relationship. Ha! How could I resists when my focus (n.) is always on making a trip here as delightful an experience as possible? If it works that gives me a buzz! 🙂 Happy Saturday!

  1. pattimoed says:

    Hi, Janet. I love the direction you took this post. It’s true that some themes will be immediately clear and others, like this one, can be taken in different directions. The 4 of us went back and forth about this! Then again, the individual response to the theme is always paramount, as we are all creative people with our unique vision. Still more to think about! I love your egret in flight and the macro shot of the bee and your creamy-colored bokeh in the hummingbird shot. Glad you joined us, as always.

  2. JohnRH says:

    Excellent. Some very intriguing shots there (blurry speed, sitting bird, bee). Well done.

    • Thanks very much, John. 🙂 I got a video of one of these bees inside one of these flowers earlier in the year and it was so funny. The bee was absolutely in ecstasy. 🙂

  3. marianallen says:

    You are aMAZing!

  4. Dan Antion says:

    These are great photos. I like the focus on focus. You did that well.

  5. susurrus says:

    How amazing to see the hummingbird. We don’t have them here, but my heart leaps whenever I see one.

    • I love hummingbirds too, Susan, but it’s funny because there are so many around here that I don’t feel quite the same excitement when I see one, although I still enjoy it.

  6. aFrankAngle says:

    Excellent collection. The opener was a winner … well … until I saw the last pic.

  7. Amy says:

    Excellent selections, Janet. The hummingbird is my favorite, and the last image is very special.

    • Thanks, Amy. Hummingbirds are so cute. The last one is one I like very much as well. Those flowers, although poisonous, apparently don’t present a problem to the bees, who love to be in them.

  8. Sue says:

    Lovely selection of images, Janet!

  9. Great lessons on focus and images to go with the challenge.

  10. Ingrid says:

    Entertaining post – love the direction you took the challenge.

  11. Tina Schell says:

    OK Janet, now you’re just showing off!!!!! I hear you on the fact that the challenge subject doesn’t always point you in the author’s intended direction but you were spot-on with the one. And you noun/verb/noun sentence is perfection in print!!! As, I might add, is your bokeh on the VERY-still hummingbird! How on earth did you catch it sitting so quietly?!?!?

    • Hummingbirds don’t sit still that often but there are so many at the Preserve that sometimes you can catch them doing that. I’m glad I got the theme right. 🙂

  12. Only you could take such a straight-forward concept and turn it upside down in such a creative way. I love that unconventional approach, and the results, of course!

  13. peggyjoan42 says:

    Focus. I like your explanations on how you focused. So I usually focus on the pleasure I want to achieve from a shot of nature. Stay focused Janet. Ha

  14. Teresa says:

    Same here, we all knew in advance what the topic was gonna be…but still nothing. Nice explanations, Janet!

  15. I think you focus quite well. 🙂

  16. Resa says:

    Janet, your shots just keep getting better and better!

  17. Leya says:

    Love your take on, Janet – every line and image. My favorite is the hummingbird, but also “the entire shot”.