for Six Word Saturday, Squares: trees, and Life in Colour: blue

*Tree and a blue French sky

Early this morning we’ll be on our way to Wyoming for a very welcome vacation, so I’ll be taking a hiatus for several weeks. The break’s due to two factors: taking time to enjoy time off and the fact that we have no internet while there. I can get email and check online a bit but I won’t be posting or looking at posts. You’ll of course read and see all about it when I get back. In the meantime, thanks for being there and enjoy your time while I’m away.

  1. Debbie Smyth says:

    What a beautiful way to close the month of squares. And I love having the six words in French.
    Have a great break in Wyoming. I’ll be thinking of you – with a hint of jealousy 😉

  2. Jasrameshen says:

    It’s really fantastic and inspiring

  3. PRAPTI GUPTA says:

    beautiful picture

  4. Happy trails, and I’m looking forward to several horse images. 🙂

  5. Safe journey!! I’m looking forward to seeing your images and hearing about your trip.

  6. CurlsnSkirls says:

    Have a lovely time & stay safe!

  7. Amazing shot, Janet! Have so much fun in Wyoming & soak in lots of horse love! 🌞

  8. JT Twissel says:

    Enjoy your time off!

  9. Resa says:

    Happy trails!

  10. […] lives are so much better thanks to you and your wonderful skies and for reminding us of where we […]

  11. I so hope you have has a great break and a well deserved holiday.