
Posted: February 18, 2024 in Art, One Word Sunday
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One Word Sunday: teal

With thanks to Chihuly

  1. bushboy says:

    Lovely painting 🙂

  2. Debbie Smyth says:

    Chihuly rarely lets us down 🙂

  3. beth says:

    so beautiful

  4. Lovely painting … it look soriental.
    Chihuly is great!!!

  5. Ju-Lyn says:

    I struggled with this Challenge – I finally abandoned my search. I love your Teal. Is this a Dave Chihuly painting? (I noted your postscript)

  6. Ally Bean says:

    Teal is my favorite color therefore this is the best blog post ever. Fact. 😁

  7. Rick Mallery says:

    Divining the teal eaves.

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