Posts Tagged ‘survival’

Today’s Friday Fictioneers photo prompt is from our fearless leader, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.  The Fictioneers say hello to Sebatian Joshua Pendergast, born Nov. 4, 2012 to fellow Fictioneers “Elmowrites”, AKA Jen.  Sebastian, we’re eagerly awaiting your first submission. 🙂  My story is inspired not only by this picture and the sci-fi riff always lurking about the Fictioneers, but by all those still suffering from Hurricane Sandy.  Prayers go up for you daily.

To read all the stories, go to

The Way It Spozed To Be

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

We’d obeyed The One’s commands…no fossil fuels, fats, sugars, big business or AC, keep moving in the winter; worship only in the theater, on TV or on Sunday afternoons.

No Old Ones as teachers of survival–hadn’t wanted them to suffer.  No young to save–too inconvenient.  Nature had been tamed.  We were in control.

In hidden pockets, the Rebels lived with the old skills, drinking deeply of life.

We drank only Kool-Aid.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It wasn’t supposed to be so cold.  We weren’t meant to die…were we?