Posts Tagged ‘Rochelle Wishoff-Fields’

Although the U.S. may be negatively known for Black Friday, a day-after-Thanksgiving day of consumer excess, we also have Small Business Saturday,  sandwiched between Black Friday (in-store excess) and Cyber Monday (internet excess.) (There’s more than a little irony about the URL of the SBS website being prefaced by “American Express”, but…)  In England, Small Business Saturday is Dec. 2.  I’m not sure about elsewhere.

At any rate, on that day we’re encouraged to shop locally or at small businesses via the internet.  I love this idea.  Since I’m not very handy at making things, other than food, I have to fall back on shopping.  I can’t disclose gifts, as my family might be reading my blog (at least I hope so).  But so far, I’ve managed to avoid Amazon, Google, and the other big name giants.  I’ve gotten gifts at art shows, local shops, and from talented individuals.  I’ve also bought some things from bigger places such as Costco, but they don’t threaten to rule the world the way Amazon/Google/Apple do, at least in my eyes.

Of course, where you get things can depend on what you need to buy, but I’d encourage you to buy at least some things from small businesses or individuals this year.  When looking for a gift for someone who has everything, a donation to a charity is a wonderful choice.  And if we struggle with trying to come up with a gift list for those who want to get us something, we are indeed blessed, a priceless gift.

Here are some of my blogger friends or other small businesses (in no particular order) who have something to offer for holiday giving.  If I missed you, please forgive me and add your information and link in the comment section.  I hesitated to do this so that I wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings by missing them, but I decided to go ahead, with apologies at the ready.

Wild Ozark

Located in Kingston, Arkansas, Madison and her husband, Rob, sell wild American ginseng (if you can pick it up; see website), shagbark hickory syrup, books, handmade notecards, and more as well as Rob’s gorgeous handmade wooden keepsake boxes.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

An accomplished artist and author, Rochelle has written a three-book series that takes her heroine from the pogroms of Eastern Europe to the difficulties faced by Jewish immigrants in 1908 Kansas City.  She also does portraits by commission.

Beth Carter

Beth left the corporate world to write books.  She’s written women’s fiction, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and children’s picture books.

Our French Lifestyle

If you’re in Europe, or France specifically, Susan offers a variety of vintage finds or you might like to contact her about escaping to their luxury cottage for a getaway.

Jan Morrill

Jan is an author and speaker.  Her novel, The Red Kimono, takes place in 1941 and is about the Japanese internment.  She also has several other books, including on of haiku in which I have one haiku.  (Couldn’t resist adding that!)  In addition to writing, she’s available for workshops about writing.

Claire Fuller

Claire’s first book, Our Endless Numbered Days, won the 2015 Desmond Elliott Prize.  She’s published a second and has a third coming out in 2019.  You can find links for buying her books on her website and, although can buy them from Amazon, in the spirit of Small Business Saturday, I’d encourage you to order through your local independent bookstore.

Isadora and Al De La Vega

A former New York policeman, Al makes whimsical copper and brass items, many with a distinctly nautical/ocean theme.  Besides blogging, Isadora makes beautiful jewelry.  Stop by both sites for a look.

Hannah of Bittersweet

Hannah is an amazing vegan cook and food photographer.  She has a new cookbook, Real Food, Really Fast: Delicious Plant-Based Recipes Ready in 10 Minutes or Less, coming out in January and you can preorder it by clicking on the link to her blog.


Full disclosure: I worked here for two year and don’t now only because the business is completely online now.  That makes me able to assure you that the commitment to quality and service can’t be bettered.  With close to 140 teas or tisanes (herbal or floral mixes that don’t contain actual tea) and the ability to ship to anywhere in the contiguous US, you can’t go wrong buying from SereneTeaz.

Le Chocolat du Bouchard

If you can’t make it to Paris and you’re anywhere near Naperville, Illinois, stop into Le Chocolat for French ambience, macarons (not macaroons), pastries and chocolate truffles of all sorts, drinks (wine, coffee drinks, or chocolate drinks), or lunch or dinner.  I currently work there, so maybe you’ll even meet me.  🙂



OK, as I said, if I missed you, I apologize and please leave your link in the comments, along with a short description of your product/book/art/whatever.  Thanks!

Any links that are just to blog posts or blogs and not relevant to Small Business Saturday will be deleted.

Flirting fairies. Phantasmagorical forays.  Fabulous photos.  Frazzled folks in foggy fields.
Fearsome fellows and fearful filles. Frantic feelings fueling furtive fumblings.  Frenzied freaks.
Friction and fury.  Freezing flesh and phalanges.  Fair friends and foul fiends.  Funky fungus.  Frightening funiculars.
Phony philologists and flippant phantasms.  Frankenstein festival.
Farcical foursomes.  Fossilized fanatics.

Philosophical fracking.

Friday Fictioneers.



(I’ll be traveling Thursday but know that I look forward to reading every story when I get off the road.)

Home-made Car


Dubbed “Flower Power” (he mentally prefaced “flower” with “de”), the car was staged in the garage as if at the drive-in: theater-sized TV, food, plenty of booze, popcorn.  Girls loved it…and he looooooved lovin’ the girls!

Reaching toward tonight’s conquest-in-waiting, he slipped smoothly into his practiced routine. Lust turned to shock when the steering wheel shot out, trapping him, the seat belt snaking around him.  Her kiss left him, literally, speechless.  Starting the car as she climbed out, she cocked an eyebrow and queried, “Ever hear of Morgan le Fay?  Distant relative.”

The garage door rolled inexorably down behind her.

(To read all the stories, click on the little guy above and then on the individual links you’ll find.)

“Tell me a story.”  I wager those words have been said in many languages for thousands of years.  You probably said them to your parents when you were young.  But as you grew older, the stories you heard became very different,  many not as pleasant.

Well, rejoice!  Story time is here once again.  Each week you can join the writing group called Friday Fictioneers to read stories that span the gamut of genres and plots.  What follows is my story for the week.  After that, you may click on the cute link critter and be whisked away to The Land of Story Time.  But be careful.  Once you enter that land, you’ll never want to return.  And if you have a story of your own to tell, you’re welcome to become a citizen of The Land of Story Time.  (Beautiful picture, Rich, and Rochelle, love the new background.)


Congo Mourning
Genre: Drama

“Hi, hon.”

“Exhausted, but fine. We’re in line for security.  Can’t wait to get home.”

Quietly…”Conditions at the orphanage were horrible.  Not enough food, the place was filthy, the woman in charge was a witch.  It broke my heart to see their faces and know we could only take one.”

“Hang on. Something’s happening. Some soldiers…”

“Hey!  What are you doing?  Get your hands off my son.”

“Our papers are in order.  Look.  Stop it!…go!”

“Somebody help us.  Please. They’re taking my son!  Dominique!  Dominique!!  Let go of him, you…!!”

“Grant, call the embassy right now.  They’ve taken Dominique!”


This story is inspired by a friend and her husband who decided to add to their family by adopting a child from Congo.  Yes, his name was Dominique and no, thankfully the ending of the story didn’t happen to them.  The orphanage conditions and head woman are true to their experience and it was often problematic as to whether Dominique would ever make it to New Jersey.  Thankfully he did and is blessing them and being a blessing to them every day.

Today’s Friday Fictioneers photo prompt is from our fearless leader, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.  The Fictioneers say hello to Sebatian Joshua Pendergast, born Nov. 4, 2012 to fellow Fictioneers “Elmowrites”, AKA Jen.  Sebastian, we’re eagerly awaiting your first submission. 🙂  My story is inspired not only by this picture and the sci-fi riff always lurking about the Fictioneers, but by all those still suffering from Hurricane Sandy.  Prayers go up for you daily.

To read all the stories, go to

The Way It Spozed To Be

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

We’d obeyed The One’s commands…no fossil fuels, fats, sugars, big business or AC, keep moving in the winter; worship only in the theater, on TV or on Sunday afternoons.

No Old Ones as teachers of survival–hadn’t wanted them to suffer.  No young to save–too inconvenient.  Nature had been tamed.  We were in control.

In hidden pockets, the Rebels lived with the old skills, drinking deeply of life.

We drank only Kool-Aid.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.  It wasn’t supposed to be so cold.  We weren’t meant to die…were we?