First the good news: yesterday we settled my mom in a care home, something that badly needed to be done. We just couldn’t do everything to care for her at home and my dad can’t do it either. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders but also the main reason I haven’t been around much this last week. Hopefully life will get a little more normal now and I can get back to visiting all of you regularly again.

Anyway…while we were having a non-alcoholic drink in the courtyard at Tohono Chul, I looked around for photo ops, finding some attractive doors. Alas, all three of these had something blocking the perfect shot and it wasn’t a car. This first one looks like one of those doors that can open at top and bottom.

I was so tempted to try to move the holders for the free papers to get all the very cool Southwest door panels. I wonder whether the three without design are unfinished or in process.

That sign and the wet floor stands are out of order as far as I’m concerned. Good thing I didn’t need to use the restroom! But I did use the door.

Thursday Doors 1.17.22

Cee’s Thursday Doors

  1. restlessjo says:

    Yoou can always find doors, Janet, and a smile if you try really hard. I’d have been tempted to move those top tables and crop the second shot, but I like your funnies. Amazed that you’ve managed to keep going through all this but I imagine posting was a bit of relief and escape in your day. Glad you were able to see this through.

    • Yes, posting and the conversation in the comments and on the other blogs when I can get there, is a lifeline of sorts. Now we find the new normal here which will take a bit of time as well. But I’m always here somewhere. :_)

  2. beth says:

    it’s clear not everyone appreciates doors as you do. and i’m glad for your family that your mom is settling in and you won’t have to worry, knowing she is cared for 24/7

  3. I understand how difficult the process of deciding then placing a parent in a care facility, and my thoughts are with you. My dad entered a facility last year. It’s difficult but also a relief when they can no longer take care of themselves. I love the doors and their surroundings. Very clever!

    • Glad you enjoyed the doors, Brenda, and thanks for your understanding. It’s a huge relief and now I have to be patient while all of us find the new way of life.


  4. peggy says:

    Glad your mom is in a safe place. Like you – I too would have wanted to move objects out of the way to capture a good picture of these doors.

  5. Sheree says:

    An interesting trio

  6. The doors are like ‘normal life’ being blocked by one thing or the other. I like the colors and the pictures. 🙂 My prayers and thoughts are with you and your parents. This week brought tough decisions that keep one up at night. I hope your Mom is being well cared for and your Dad adjusts to his new normal so they both have a good quality of life.

    • Yes, maybe the doors are an unconscious metaphor for what we’ve been going through. Thanks very much for your prayers. They mean the world. The new normal will take some time but will be good in the end.

  7. An interesting collection, but the first one is my favorite. Cheers to getting your mom settled in. Peace and strength to you and hubby on your journey involving your mother … and hopefully Mom is doing well, too.

    • Thanks, Frank. So far Mom’s doing fine and hasn’t even been there one entire day yet. I’ll take Dad over tomorrow to see her and then we’ll have a better feel for things which will hopefully put his mind at rest.

  8. LOVING the blocked doors photos!

  9. I hope your Mom settles in to her new home and is well looked after and your Dad adjusts to his new routine without there.

    I love the animal images on the door too bad they were blocked, but you did a great job of making the most of the doors!!

    • Thanks, Deborah.

      I really like those images too. Next time we go I’ll have to see if anything’s been added but I would guess not since they’re behind those stands.

  10. I’d be having much similar thoughts. Gorgeous all, especially the second.

  11. Ally Bean says:

    I’m glad you’ve gotten everything arranged for your mother. It is a burden to do so. I like the blocked doors. They’re all lovely photos.

    • Glad you liked the doors and photos, Ally. Made for a fun theme. Taking care of someone, parents or otherwise, is difficult but I think this change, which was necessary, will be better for everyone.

  12. scr4pl80 says:

    Love the blue.

  13. memadtwo says:

    I love the one with the painted animals! (K)

  14. slfinnell says:

    Finding a good place for a parent is no easy thing these days. I’m happy you’ve found a great one! Enjoyed your door finds too 😊

  15. Emille says:

    Sorry to hear that, Janet – did not realize your mom needed to be in a care facility. Always hard for adult children to go through that. Remember my brother going through that (since we lived in the USA) and he agonized going through that.
    Is this going to change where you live?

  16. I’m glad you got your mom settled in a care home. My husband and his siblings did that in a hard way because she didn’t want to go. One sister took her out to lunch, other siblings took some furniture and clothing to the nursing home, then dropped her off. They couldn’t visit her for the first month because she was crying and refused to stay. She stopped crying but stayed in her room most of the time.
    Hope your mom will settle in and make the adjustment okay.

    • We found out today that Mom thought we were looking at the place for Dad, not her, even though it was explained to her many times. I think she’ll settle in just fine now that she understands. It’s a big adjustment for everyone. Compared to your experience, this has gone quite well.

  17. Prior... says:

    I wonder why the three are still blank as well.
    and sending good vibes your way and hope the facility is awesome – whew –

  18. Cee Neuner says:

    Congratulations! I have selected your post to be featured on CFFC this week.
    I sure hope you have a terrific week.

    CFFC: Kammie’s Oddballs

  19. I love the blue door against that nice brickwork. It’s so good that your mother has settled into her new surroundings. My sisters and I have been trying to get help for my mum too, as she lives alone and is in her late 80s now. She has a lovely lady calls to her twice a week and takes her shopping but daily care was needed. Thankfully, two carers now call twice a day and we all feel like a weight has been taken off our shoulders, so I know the relief you must be feeling.

    • Yes, it’s like a gigantic boulder has been lifted off my shoulders, although we still have to help my dad who is still in their house but never did any of the household things. My mom always did all of that so he not only doesn’t know how to do them but he has problems standing for very long. Hopefully soon we’ll get him to bring people in occasionally to at least clean the house and that would be a big help.

      • Having carers visit Mum every day, twice a day now, has made such a difference in the quality of her life and left us a lot less anxious about her. It means she can remain in her own home, as independant as she can, be for as long as possible. I’m sure your dad will come to appreciate that, too.

      • I hope so, Jean. He wants to stay on the house too. Now that Mom passed away yesterday, he’s under much less stress, which is very good.

      • Oh no. I’m so sorry for your loss, Janet. I do hope your dad is able to remain in his own home for as long as possible.