Thursday doors…brocante

Posted: February 27, 2020 in Thursday doors
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Just outside the village of Raddon-et-Chapendu there’s a brocante shop, usually closed when we’ve gone past. Brocante is French for a secondhand shop, more rudely translated as a junk shop. This one was packed with all sorts of objects, but our focus is on the doors, both outdoors and indoors, so to speak. If you’re tempted to buy, keep in mind the 50-pound weight limit on luggage! Oddly enough, we were greeted by the music of Pink Martini.

Will either of these doors fit your needs? A little TLC might be in order first though, unless shabby chic is your desire.

This door comes with shelves attached. The clock is extra.

Outside once again. I managed not to buy anything.

Now that we’re done here, how about a treat? Lots of lovely choices and none that are overly sweet. We can have coffee or tea when we get back home.

for Thursday Doors

  1. Ally Bean says:

    You’re right the door is shabby chic. Pretty though. Love the last photo, colorful and yummy.

  2. restlessjo says:

    A strawberry tart, or one of those cakes with berries on will do me nicely, thanks, Janet. 🙂 🙂 I love that first doorway and the lovely armoire with the clock. Transport costs might be prohibitive though.

  3. jpeggytaylor says:

    Brocante – the French can even manage to make ‘junk’ sound stylish 😄
    Wonderful doors.

  4. Sue says:

    Great doors!

  5. Ooh, a little selection of a few treats to share with tea s’il te plait.

    I love the green door and shutter. You can always ship anything you buy home. If it’s a must-have would regret it forever if I didn’t get it kind of des trucs.😀

  6. scr4pl80 says:

    Lovely doors. My favorite is the one with the shelves. MMMMM pastries.

  7. marianallen says:

    Oh, I love that cabinet, with or without the clock!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ I have one of each pastry, with seconds on my favorite. Virtual calories don't count! lol

  8. Doors with historic character and pastries – now, that’s a winning Thursday post. 🙂 I’d really enjoy one of those cream puffs in the middle, please. 🙂

  9. Dan Antion says:

    I really like these doors, Janet. Even more, I love the composition of the photo at the top. Now, is that Chocolate Caramel near the left? Yes please.

  10. TCast says:

    I like to take photos of these kinds of doors too … those that, as you say, needs a bit of TLC.
    Great shots.

  11. The doors are great! Can I have any of the caramel cakes?

  12. Very interesting doors with lots of character and yummy treats. My mouth is watering. Nice post! =)

  13. Norm 2.0 says:

    That armoire is just gorgeous! Any idea if it would be used as a pantry or a linen closet? Either way I’m sure it wasn’t cheap and it definitely won’t fit in your carry-on.
    Love other lovely doors in this post too and thankfully I’ve had a full breakfast so the pastries did not stir up any cravings…this time 😉

    • I have no idea of the cost, but I htink you could use it either way, depending upon your space and needs. I know what you mean about being full when you look at photos of food. 🙂 At any rate, they’re all virtual calories here.

  14. Now why did my eyes snag on that last photo when I was enjoying the doors?

  15. A fascinating place. The doors with shelves are marvellous, as are the treats, but what I take from this post is the music. 😀 First time I hear! What fun!

  16. Resa says:

    Janet, this post is adoorable!
    Those treats look yummy. xo

    • The pastries in France are generally wonderful, full of flavor but not with too much sweetness, beautiful, and not as expensive as such treats in the US. Win-win-win-win. 🙂