Thursday Doors…inviting doors

Posted: December 3, 2020 in Thursday doors
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Some doors just invite you to come in. These do. When I visited southern California before Thanksgiving they invited me in…because they’re doors belonging to people I know. The inside is just as inviting and the people even more so.

I found a new app for transforming photos into drawings and painting. You’ll know the app name as I’m not paying for the version without it. But I think the results are pretty cool. I should have just told you I did them and cropped the name, but you probably wouldn’t have believed me anyway. 🙂 So just enjoy them.

Our faithful ambassa-door, Norm, has gone door-mant, but he didn’t leave us hanging. He en-doors-ed Dan at No Facilities as his replacement. Norm, thanks for hosting one of the most a-door-able challenges in the blogosphere. Dan, thanks for hosting.

  1. Sue says:

    I like your ‘sketches’, Janet!

  2. The door is inviting and there are some great apps to have fun with.

  3. Dan Antion says:

    These are welcoming doors, Janet, and I like the drawing/painting affect. Some programs seem to go a little out of control, but these are nice.

    Thanks for the en-doors-ment and the additions to the doors dictionary. That made me smile.

    • Good morning, Dan, and welcome to another Thursday. I appreciate you taking over Norm’s job and I’m glad you enjoyed the en-doors-ment. The sketching app wasn’t the one I was looking at, but this one got good reviews, so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m happy people seem to like it. But I’m happiest that you liked the doors.

  4. China Dream says:

    loved your play on words… good morning..

  5. Sehr schön! Looks really cool 😉

  6. Doors are good, but use of the English door language gets an A+. 🙂

  7. Those do look very inviting! It’s the warm wood, big windows… And yeah, knowing friendly inhabitants inside does help, too. 😉

  8. Well, the sign says it all. It’s a truly welcoming home. Lovely porch.

  9. peggyjoan42 says:

    Love each picture – that first door is very inviting – no matter its coloring.

  10. The porch is lovely. I’d love sitting in that chair watching the world go by while having a nice cuppa.

    It looks like you’re having fun with your new app.

  11. Truly inviting, Janet 🙂
    I like the three poinsettia balancing the snowed Christmas wreath 🙂 and the ivy above the garage door. Ready for Santa! 🙂
    We also put up the Christmas tree this afternoon.
    Wishing you a merry week further.

    • I’m working on the Christmas decorations but today I had to wrap and pack the gifts for our daughters, son-in-law, and one sister-in-law. Have to get them in the mail tomorrow so that I’m sure they’ll arrive on time. One more package to go and that’s going overseas. Once that’s done I can go back to decorating. But we’ve called family Christmas off this year because of Covid. We’re fortunate however because my parents and brother and his family live here, so we won’t be without anyone.

      • My daughter loves making Christmas decorations each December 🙂 We had our first round, but there is more to come. I’m lucky she still wants to spend time to her old mom, so I join in 😉
        Covid changed the word in a way I none of us would have ever imagined possible. We were supposed to go home to my native Romania this December to be with my parents. Can’t do that from South Africa right now. At least technology is widely available so I’m hoping for some video calls.
        Stay blessed, Janet. 🙂 Lovely to meet you.

      • Great to meet you as well, Pat. Technology is a blessing these days, isn’t it? Sounds like you and your daughter have a wonderful relationship, which is a blessing. Stay safe and healthy!

  12. Su Leslie says:

    Very punny! I like the sketches; a little ap-plication of these things goes a long way

  13. Resa says:

    Nice, Janet!
    Does anyone ever post cat and dog doors? You know, those flaps that let raccoons in? 😉

  14. Beautiful door whichever way you present it. I’d like to sit in that high-back chair.

  15. Teresa says:

    I like that wide door, is that a garage door by the way? And the effect app you’re using is also great!

  16. restlessjo says:

    I have a sketching app I can play with on my phone but not here on the laptop. However my daughter sent me a rather lovely Jackie (spelt wrong but I still don’t have a letter_ ) Lawson Advent calendar and I play with that instead. It’s not productive but it’s fun 🙂 🙂

  17. marianallen says:

    Love that door and entry. Charlie put a very pretty brick area leading to the porch, but it gets slick with snow in the winter and with moss/algae in the summer. So he covered it with a raggedy-ass piece of carpet. As my mother and grandfather would have said, “Another day of gracious living.”

    • 🙂 No snow or moss in SoCal, so the owners can sit outside and enjoy it year-round. They also have a lovely outdoor patio in the back with the same feel but private.