Jez is our guest host for this week’s challenge and as I’m posting this on Monday morning, maybe one or two of you really are seeing double after a rough weekend. I hope not. But this challenge might make you feel that you are, even if you had an abstemious two days.

Double pizza on offer at Manhattan Pizzeria at Manhattan Beach, California. Didn’t try the pizza but enjoyed the wall art.

These two pelicans did everything together for the longest time: swam, ducked heads under the water to fish, raised wings, turned, repeated. Someone told me they often do that but I’d not seen it before. Ballet on the water.

Matching boojum trees. I’m not making this up or taking it from Dr. Seuss (of whom more later.) These “trees” are actually succulents from the occitillo family and are fascinating, protected, and expensive! You can read about them here and I promise you it’s an interesting read. The name comes from a poem by Lewis Carroll, “The Hunting of the Snark” which ends:

In the midst of the word he was trying to say,

   In the midst of his laughter and glee,

He had softly and suddenly vanished away—

   For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Coffee with a friend. These decorations could be a metaphor for us: although we’re not exactly the same, we are definitely a lot alike in the ways that count.

Be the sun on the right!

Bottoms up!

Yes, a repeat but it works so well for this challenge, don’t you think?

Finally, I can’t resist seeing double things here, catnip-filled things that, along with the catnip Cat in the Hat that I cropped out on the left, were a Christmas gift for our younger daughter’s cat last year.

  1. restlessjo says:

    Smiling at you! Can’t remember the last time I had an abstemious weekend. The intention is often there. Have a great week, Janet!

  2. Wow! Looks beautiful. Thank you 🌍😊

  3. Brilliant post for the challenge, Janet 👏 Ducks bottoms up always bring a grin to my face 😂 I’m glad I’m making pizza today after seeing the wall art; thanks for joining in the fun 😊

    • Thanks, Jez. It was a good theme but o wanted to do some things that weren’t reflections because I thought that’s what most people would do. I’m glad you liked the results.

  4. solaner says:

    I like the allegory of the two coffees 👍👍👍 and I‘m amazed anyone else (besides friends, Romans, and countrymen) also knows the snark 😊 do you also have the music from Mike Batt?

  5. Sue says:

    What a fun post!

  6. bushboy says:

    A good fun post. Lots of smile here 🙂

  7. Prior... says:

    Super fun post!
    The boojum trees are so
    Interstitial and I think seeing the Ayer ballet would have been such a lift for the soul!

  8. Jodie says:

    Double trouble is always more fun. What a fabulous way to start the morning Janet.

  9. scr4pl80 says:

    Some great shots there as usual, Janet! Happy Monday.

  10. Loved the doubles you came up with, very creative eye you have.

  11. Tina Schell says:

    Really fun post Janet – loved the last 3 especially. You may have posted them before but I’d not seen them so thanks for that!!

    • The one I’ve posted before was the black-necked stilt shot with reflection turned sideways. Glad you liked Thing One and Thing Two. They made me smile.

  12. I could enjoy both those coffees. 🙂

  13. Resa says:

    Wow! You’ve got doubles unto doubles. Great take… outdone!

  14. Amy says:

    Great selections, Love the bird image, perfect for the theme.

  15. Leya says:

    Thank you for bringing on smiles, Janet! My winner is the coffee!

  16. Janet, you have wonderful photos for the challenge. You put a smile on my face with the Bottom Up photo. 😀 I’m off to read your suggestion. 👍

  17. JohnRH says:

    Ha! GREAT double visions. Excellent.

  18. fgsjr2015 says:

    Should Carroll’s nude-child photographs be disregarded basically because of his great work? To me, that is basically what it amounts to.

    Many of his fans/admirers will vociferously and even aggressively defend Carroll, regardless. [e.g.

    I find it troubling how many experts and non-experts/fans still apologetically come to Carroll’s defense on this matter, as though his literary greatness still merits in contemporary times a blind eye on those unacceptable photographs.

    Had it been just some relative-nobody hobby photographer, and not Carroll, the relative-nobody undoubtedly would have been severely reprimanded, and rightly so, if not thrown into a Victorian-era prison. And no one meaningful would have defended him, let alone vociferously so.

    • I hadn’t heard about this before but I am curious why you brought it up when I didn’t mention anything about Carroll himself, just the quote from the poem. I’m also curious if you search for mentions of Carroll and post this information.

      I did go to the link you shared to read the article and comments. Did you write the article? The question as always is whether behavior changes the quality of whatever the person created. Can a person who does bad things do/create anything good? Or should something good be rejected because the creator does bad things? The example of Michael Jackson springs to mind. It’s something every person needs to answer for him/herself but your comment is certainly thought-provoking.


  19. fgsjr2015 says:

    Thank you. …. Yes, I wrote the linked article. It’s mostly for people, perhaps like yourself, who haven’t yet heard about the real Lewis Carroll that I post the information coupled with my own opinion. I was a fan until I watched that Great Books documentary on Alice In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass; the entire Great Books documentary series seem to be intended to mostly analyze each featured great book objectively.

    [As I in-part wrote at the website] Many people to this day have great difficulty accepting, or perhaps even caring, that acclaimed author Lewis Carroll (penname of Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) — writer of the Alice In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass children’s novels — enjoyed having little girls pose nude for his camera.

    In regards to Carroll’s photography pastime, according to (now retired) Temple University English professor emeritus Donald Rackin, “[his] greatest interest was in photographing little girls … He would ask mama if it was alright for him to photograph the little girl; and later on he would ask if he could photograph her in a costume; and eventually he would work his way up like a lover to, if he could photograph the child in the nude. We know that of course he was refused sometimes, but it was astounding how many mothers said, ‘go ahead’.”

    …. Thanks again.