Posts Tagged ‘birds’

#SquareRenew…move forward, renew

Earlier this year during a trip up Mt. Lemmon, we stopped for a flock of wild turkeys crossing the road, steadily moving forward. I guess they knew it wasn’t Thanksgiving.


Six-Word Saturday 1.13.23

Sometimes you get good photos by lying in wait. Sometimes you have to act quickly and see what happens, as in this instance. As I was walking, this owl suddenly took off. I whipped out my phone and managed to get this photo. Although I would have liked to have a better shot, the low light and contrast is something an owl would appreciate to camouflage its presence, the better to attack its dinner, while I was happy to have gotten anything to remember the unexpected moment.

Thanks to Bobby Darin for the title. 😉

Browsing through older photos and videos, I came across this one, which I love. I was walking through our neighborhood in an area I hadn’t been before and saw this fountain in someone’s front yard. I was thrilled to see this hummingbird taking a bath/shower and also thrilled that I could get such a good recording with my phone while at a distance where I didn’t scare it off. 🙂

Had an excellent day yesterday stocking up on artisan bread flour, all-purpose flour, and purple barley berries at Hayden Flour Mills bulk days. People came from as far away as Tucson, a good two hour drive, for discounts on some of the heritage, non-GMO products. Then on to Scottsdale and a lovely afternoon with fellow blogger Marsha, of Always Write blog. We have a bloggers get-together Friday even though about half our group won’t be there, but it’s always fun to have friend time. Thanks for a tasty lunch and enjoyable afternoon, Marsha.

WoW? Lorikeets

Posted: July 26, 2023 in WoW?
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I recently learned the “Wordless Wednesday” has evidently been claimed by another blogger and some people feel using it without attribution and linking is taking away from that person. So I’m going with “WoW”…”What’s on Wednesday? Words are optional. 😉

A visit to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California last weekend included a walk through the lorikeets’ enclosure. Their bright colors and loudness are always attention-getting.

Six-Word Saturday 3.11.23


Posted: February 3, 2023 in Nature
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There’s something always cheerful about a goldfinch. Seeing one makes my heart soar. This one at Tucson’s Sweetwater Wetlands was enjoying a dip in the water. This sort of gold is beyond price, a small piece of sunshine to brighten the day.

Breaking news!! I’ve just been informed that this is a male yellow warbler, not a goldfinch. Sigh. Sorry about that. 😬 But he’s still a bright, beautiful gold! Thanks, Deborah, my birding friend and expert.

Possibly too much fun at a bird-day party? Whatever the cause, this guy’s looking a bit disheveled this morning. Although Debbie’s taking a break from the official One Word Sunday, it’s gotten to be a habit, so I’m keeping the tradition (although when official, I almost always go with only the one word.) Happy, blessed Sunday to all of you!