Posts Tagged ‘squares’

#SquaresRenew 5.26.24. Burgeoning

One Word Sunday: hedge


I tend to think of plants renewing or burgeoning by having flowers. But that’s not always true, as in this case.


I guess you could also say this tree is renewing its pomegranate supply. 😉. Either way, it’s my square for the day, spotted on a recent walk. I don’t know whether these are ornamental or good for eating, but I know they’re good for this challenge.


One Word Sunday: hedge

#SquaresRenew (burgeoning)

When our California daughter said something was”bougie,” I thought, “bougie?” Let’s just say she did not mean “a slender, flexible instrument introduced into passages of the body for dilating, examining, medicating, etc..”. The new use is a riff on bourgeois: “informal + usually disparaging marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability,”

Can a bougainvillea be bougie? That’s up to you. But the two words work beautifully together so I say yes. And this bougainvillea is definitely burgeoning, giving me three b’s for Becky B today. 😉


#SquareRenew…move forward, renew

I loved this mural for the challenge, but hadn’t taken the photo at a distance enabling me to convert it to a square, rather than a horizontal rectangle, without cutting out some of the quail. Enter my friend, image compare. Two squares and you get the entire family moving forward. Voilà!


Earlier this year during a trip up Mt. Lemmon, we stopped for a flock of wild turkeys crossing the road, steadily moving forward. I guess they knew it wasn’t Thanksgiving.



One Word Sunday: red

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL MOMS, whether a mom by biology or by love