Thursday doors…Lost in translation

Posted: April 30, 2020 in Thursday doors
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This week we have more random French doors, but with a bit of a linguistic twist. The first is the door to a cave. No, not a door to a cave, but to a cave (cahv), French for cellar. Of course it is a bit like a cave, but a cave that houses wine sometimes or, in this case, a variety of spirits for the distillery above. In a very un-American way, there was an entire bottle of whisky with small glasses for tasting and no one there to be sure you didn’t have two samples! Quelle horreur!*

This is a wild boar door. 🙂 Sangliers can cause all sorts of destruction, despite how cute these look on the outside of this small hunting cabin. From experience I can testify that the meat when smoked is delicious!

One door to rule them all! Here you might say “No pain, no gain.” Of course to get the humor, you have to know what “pain” means in French. Naturally when said in French, you can ignore the “n” and push the rest through your nose. The product itself though is anything but painful to experience!! I think you can figure out the other two words, which both translate to “deliciousness” in English.

Au revoir pour jeudi et bonne journé.**

*How awful!

**Good-bye for Thursday and have a good day.

for Thursday Doors

  1. Ruth says:

    ‘Du pain, du vin, du boursain…’ as the cheese advert goes – yum! And I agree with you, smoked wild boar is delicious 🙂

  2. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Janet,

    I am a fan of doors as I have built three, hung two and extended one. Nice to visit with you.

    Stay low,


  3. lolaWi says:

    beautiful doors, Janet! i think i get the signs on the third door 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • They’re rather self-explanatory, aren’t they? There’s an excellent bakery there, although the doors for customers are a bit further along and glass.

  4. Dan Antion says:

    Those are beautiful doors, Janet. If I were to travel, I would always want to know how to say chocolate, beer and whiskey.

    Thanks for a fun trip 🙂

  5. Ally Bean says:

    Clever word play. Great photos. Suddenly chocolate is calling to me…

    • Hmmm, I wonder why? I resemble that remark. Dark chocolate is the siren call for me. And glad you enjoyed the word play. I do enjoy using some if I can.

  6. Norm 2.0 says:

    A fun post Janet, and yes, just like Ally I’m suddenly craving chocolate…I wonder why 😉

  7. Sue says:


  8. Resa says:

    The doors are very neat, but the pigs/boars are the stars!!!

    • They’re the stars when you see them like this or unless you’re a hunter and it’s boar-hunting season. Otherwise, you prefer not to see them or have them around causing destruction. 🙂

      • Resa says:

        Oh! Never met a boar, but I adore pigs!
        I have met a few “bores” though, and they can be destructive to mental health! 😀

      • Ha, true! Pigs are really cute when they’re little and they’re quite smart, but my dad grew up on a farm and said that if a calf was about to be born, they’d take the cow into the barn for a time because if they could, the pigs would eat the calf. They’ll also kill and eat a person if a person falls in the pig pen, so maybe not quite as we think of them. 🙂 Sorry to rain on your pig day parade, but…

  9. My favorite is the wild boar door. That’s a new one for me! I love the French lesson and who wouldn’t love “pain au chocolat.” We’ve had some tastey ones here. Fun post, Janet! =)

    • Pain au chocolat is one of my very favorites, although I like quite a lot of French pastries because they’re flavorful and not very sweet. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for also taking time to comment. Happy Thursday!

  10. TCast says:

    I particularly like that wild boar door.

  11. I like the hardware on the top door. I’ll take un pain au chocolat any day! Bonne journée!

  12. marianallen says:

    Good thing I just had lunch!