Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Thanksgiving humor

Posted: November 28, 2023 in Humor
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This made me laugh out loud. I hope it does the same for you. That’s even hotter than an Arizona summer! 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t know who wrote this, but I found it among my dad’s things. It made me laugh and hopefully it will make you at least chuckle. My parents lived for many years in a 55-and-older gated community, so much of this rang true, but the child’s POV makes it humorously different.

A Child’s View of Retirement in a Mobile Park

After Christmas break,a teacher asked her pupils how they spent their holidays. One small boy’s reply went like this:

We always spend Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live here in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to California. They live in a place with a lot of retarded people. They live in tin huts. They ride big three-wheel tricycles They go to a big building they call a wrecked hall. But if it was wrecked, it’s fixed now. They play games there and do exercises, but they don’t do them very well. There’s a swimming pool and they go to it and just stand there in the water with their hats on. I guess they don’t know how to swim.

My Grandma used to bake cookies and stuff but I guess she forgot how. Nobody cooks there. They go to fast food restaurants.

As you come into the park, there’s a doll house with a man sitting in it. He watches all day so they can’t get out without him seeing them. They wear badges with their names on them. I guess they don’t know who they are.

My Grandma said Grandpa worked hard all his life and earned his retardment. I wish they would move back home, but I guess the man in the doll house won’t let them out.

Six-Word Saturday 6.17.23

Six-Word Saturday 4.1.23

We’ll be whitewater rafting today on the wild part of the Salt River, class 3 and 4 rapids, with a group from church, so I won’t be online much if at all. I’ll catch up as I can. Happy Saturday!


Six-Word Saturday 7.16.22

Looks like Windows is doing another update on my laptop making it impossible to read blogs or schedule a post. Thank goodness for my iPad!!

Isn’t this a great advertisement for a hair salon? It works well in California where things grow year-round. It wouldn’t look quite the same if the hair were cacti. 😂😂😂

Welcome to Wednesday.

I’ve seen a few signs recently that brought a smile to my face. The first two are good, but I saved the best, maybe my all-time favorite, for last…because of course that mean you have to view the entire post. Bwaahaha! I’m so tricky.

In the first case, please also hit your brakes immediately.

Outside my parents’ dentist in Sedona…

This one makes me laugh every time I see it or even think about it.

Happy humorous Tuesday.